Native to Australia, Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is a member of the Myrtaceae botanical family. Found naturally along streams and wetland areas, Melaleuca alternifolia is a compact tree that can grow to heights of 20 feet. One of the most extensively studied essential oils, Tea Tree is widely regarded for its cleansing properties, with topical applications for skin, hair, and nails. In addition to these benefits, Tea Tree is known for its ability to effectively neutralize unwanted odors, making it a great addition to home cleaning recipes. Given its versatility, Tea Tree is a must-have essential oil for every home.
How to use
Topical: Apply 2–4 drops directly to desired area. Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed.
Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes 3 times daily.
Melaleuca alternifolia† (Tea Tree) leaf oil
†Premium essential oil